Last update 20/01/2025 - 20:41:14 - EXCHANGE RATE 1,03959 €/$Disclaimer
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Terms of Use

1. Website terms of use

This website structure, the images the website is made up of and the elements included within the pages themselves (such as by way of example texts, static images, animations, sounds, videos) are the ownership of the company CABRO S.p.A. and cannot be (either entirely or partially) reproduced or broadcasted without a written consent on the part of the above mentioned company. The previous restriction applies to the HTML description of website pages too.

2. Documents available within the website
Documents that are available and that can be downloaded from this website are the property of CABRO S.p.A. They can be seen or printed exclusively for personal use and they cannot be in any way either entirely or partially reproduced, altered, broadcasted or used for commercial purposes without the authorization of the above mentioned company.

3. Software programs available on this website
Any use of software programs that can be downloaded from this website is subject to approval of the conditions of the possible license agreement with the final user that is attached to the software itself. Software programs available on this website and that can be directly used without being downloaded are solely reserved to the use by the website visitors and it shall not in any way be integrated or referenced within software programs, that were produced without a written authorization by the Company.

4. Links to other websites
This website can include links to other websites. The websites these links refer to are not under the control of CABRO S.p.A. that, therefore, is not responsible for their content.