Last update 15/04/2024 - 17:04:08 - EXCHANGE RATE 1,06032 €/$Disclaimer
AU71,089 €/gr
AG0,87840 €/gr
PT29,850 €/gr
PD31,900 €/gr
RH145,790 €/gr
RU13,920 €/gr


Cabro S.p.A., its managers and all its employees disclaim any responsibility concerning the reliability, accuracy and quality of the contents related to the real time quotation of precious metals provided to its visitors. The user agrees therefore to use all and any contents provided by Cabro S.p.A. at his or her own risk. The content of the website does not constitute, in any either direct or indirect form, a solicitation to attract savings from the public. The quotation of precious metals on the website should be purely considered as an information service.
Although the utmost care and attention is paid to the accuracy of the published information and to the continuity of the provided information service, Cabro S.p.A., its management and employees cannot be held responsible for errors, delays or omissions in publication, whether occasional and/or prolonged.
Cabro S.p.A., its management and employees cannot be held liable towards any user for any direct or indirect damage that could be directly or indirectly caused, by access, contents or use of the site, by any lack of information completeness and accuracy, by any delay, inaccuracy, error, interruption or omission in the provision of the service.
Cabro S.p.A. reserves the right to suspend the information service available on the website any time and without notice.
Cabro S.p.A. also reserves the right to modify the contents and operating methods of the aforementioned service any time and at its sole and exclusive discretion.
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